
Mistakes to Avoid during a Divorce

Divorce is one of the most difficult and stressful things that people endure. It causes intense emotions between couples and children. Additionally, it leads couples into making some costly mistakes. Fortunately, you can learn how to avoid them. Failure to Retain an Experienced Divorce Lawyer [Read More]

Business Succession: 3 Tips for Transferring Ownership

Family businesses in the U.S. account for 50% of the gross domestic product. These businesses are a major contributor to the economy given the role that they play in employment and job creation. However, most owners find it hard to ensure the succession of their company when they [Read More]

What Can You Expect from a Timeshare Foreclosure?

Do you own a timeshare you can no longer afford? Try to get rid of it without going through a foreclosure. A timeshare foreclosure may cause the following consequences: 1. Lower Credit Score A timeshare foreclosure can damage your FICO score. The impact is greater [Read More]