Interrogation Techniques Used by Criminal Investigators

Criminals are getting bolder every day and using various sophisticated methods in their activities. Thus, criminal investigators should hone their skills to ensure that they arrest criminals. Different online training courses in institutions like The Center For Legal Studies can help them remain efficient in many areas of their job.

Among the most important areas covered in a criminal investigator training program is the interrogation of suspects. This is a delicate area in which a mistake can jeopardize your entire investigation and open your department to various lawsuits. Here are the interrogation methods covered in criminal investigator training.

The Reid Technique

Criminal investigators have used this technique since the 70s. It relies on tests for the authenticity of public responses to control questions, observation of body language, and building of rapport. The Reid Technique is useful in determining instances of anxiety in suspects, which can point to lies in their testimony.

The PEACE Technique

This is a new interrogation technique. It entails planning and preparation, explaining and engaging, accounting, closure, and evaluating, which together make the acronym PEACE. The method assumes that a suspect who lies will have to keep covering one lie with another and by asking for details, you can catch an inconsistency that will break down his lies. The PEACE technique is best used by patient interrogators.

Good and Bad Cop Technique

This is the most renowned interrogation method. One investigator can come across as a nice person to gain the suspect’s trust and get him/her to open up in stressing situations caused by the “bad cop.” The good and bad cop interrogation method is not often used since most criminals figure it out.

The given interrogation techniques need expert training to grasp and execute efficiently. Even the best interrogators in your department can benefit a lot from taking extra training in implementing them. Hence, the criminal investigator course is essential for all people in the field regardless of their experience.

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