Looking At the Average Cost of Transparent Braces

Invisalign Treatment in SalisburyTransparent, almost invisible braces called Invisalign, continues to reshape and rebrand the dental health industry.

Despite the many benefits of this innovative realignment system compared to traditional braces, however, many people are still reluctant to try it and the high cost of the treatment is one factor that is putting people off.

But, MiSmile, an Invisalign specialist in Salisbury, notes that with 20% of the British population feeling self-conscious about their teeth, transparent braces are a lot more appealing now than in the past. For this reason, a set tariff for Invisalign treatment, which often varies from one provider to another, needs to be set soon.

Why It’s Needed

In addition to the dental benefits of Invisalign, it can also play a large part in alleviating the social stigma that many in the UK feel about the poor state of their teeth. Writing about people’s feelings of being judged based on the state of their teeth, the Belfast Telegraph stated, ‘it seems men are more affected, with 23% admitting they feel anxious about people judging their teeth, compared to 17% of women’.

While the 23% and 17% demographic market seems like a meagre opportunity for dentists and Invisalign providers, industry analyst bank on the trend picking-up in the long term. With Invisalign technology, ‘it’s a myth if you didn’t get a mouthful of metal braces aged 13, you’ve missed your chance altogether — whatever your age, it’s not too late to get overcrowded wonky teeth straightened out by an orthodontist.’ the report continues.

The Cost Variables and Possible Changes

There are many providers of Invisalign, and the charges for the treatment can vary from practice to practice. It would be helpful to set tariff for Invisalign treatment, to iron out these anomalies. Typically, treatment costs from £1,500–£4,000 depending on the length of the treatment. Health insurance, or lack of it, can also have a big influence on the overall cost of the treatment to the patient. There is currently a discussion over whether to exempt the procedure from Value Added Tax. Such a move would revolutionize the price tag of the dental procedure.

The popularity of Invisalign is closely linked to its cost; the more affordable it becomes the more it will become a universal and preferred treatment.

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