Colours to Match Your Jarrah Floors

Jarrah Floors in Australia

Jarrah Floors in AustraliaThe deep red colour of jarrah wood makes it a standout in itself. Whether used as countertops, floorboards, or whatnot, it easily draws attention for its striking tint.

In the following room paint combos from Planet Timbers, you’ll see how to make your red flooring the centre of attention.

All White

What better way to draw attention to your dark flooring than to make everything else light, right? A kitchen with white paint from ceiling to wall including cabinets can do that. Using the same wood type and colour for stairs makes the room all the more gorgeous.

Alternatively, the island can be in deep red, the floor lighter in colour to make the kitchen counter the centre of attention. The wall has to be in light colour like off-white or pink.

You’ll also love the look of a wood breakfast bar adjacent to a white countertop. The kitchen area may have floor tiles, also in white, and the eating area has wood flooring. Stainless and wood make a striking combination as well.

Yellow and Black Accents

Accents need not be too bold and bright – black will do just that. It fades in the background, allowing you to see through. The stairs’ almost black balusters keep the fluidity in the room even if you look from upstairs. The yellow wall in the window side brings a bit of an upbeat feel and repeated through a lighter shade of the hanging lamp and vase holders.


This patio seems laidback, but interesting nonetheless. The red wall bricks compliment the wood deck which is in the same shades, only slightly darker. Using equally casual dining set in white simply draws the attention to the deck. Bring in green plants and flowers for something cooler to the eyes.

Some wood floorboards are meant to be the focal point in a room. Jarrah wood seems to be one of them. Given its deep red shade, it’s easy to call it gorgeous.

About Eleanor Sharp
Eleanor Sharp is the author of AGSE Law. As a paralegal, she has worked with attorneys in many fields to ensure their clients get the best advice and representation. She is passionate about helping people understand the complexities of the legal system so they can make better decisions for themselves. Eleanor loves reading, travel, and spending time with her family. She hopes her articles will help others navigate life’s legal intricacies with confidence.