Three Tips for Couples Looking to Simply Tie the Knot

When it comes to weddings, there are different strokes for different folks. Some people plan for lavish ceremonies, while others prefer to keep it very practical. If you relate more to the latter, here are some tips that can help you plan your simple wedding without a hitch:

Keep It Close

If you want a quick wedding in venues such as Sweet Love Wedding Chapel, your guest list should be short. Limit your guest list to those whom you really need to be present. Skip the invitations for coworkers or friends who will “feel bad” if they aren’t invited. This wedding is simple. More importantly, this wedding is yours. Thus, you get to invite only those who you hold dear.

Decide the Budget

What sets simple weddings apart is that they do not always depend on a budget. Whatever the case, the wedding will happen. That said, it’s still important to set a budget. Doing so allows you to narrow down to the essentials. Do you have to make your entrance on a horse carriage? Do you want to fly in your best friend who can’t afford to go? Think hard about the things matter and then decide on a budget.

Choose What to Wear

Weddings are getting more creative each year. They used to be symbolized by the tuxedo and the flowing white dress. However, these days, people get married underwater or even on a tightrope above a canyon. What you wear will be on all your wedding photos and will dictate the feel of the whole event. Use your clothes to express and show the type of relationship you have. Of course, there’s always the magic of the traditional dress and tux, so there are no hard feelings if you choose to go that route.

These are just three tips that should ease your worries about your upcoming wedding. There’s a lot of poetry in choosing to have a simple ceremony. Enjoy it. It’s your day!

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