September 2016

The Highs of Condo Living

If you’ve always wondered how it would feel like to live in a condo and are planning to save up for it in the future, then you better do some research before making any decision. These days, the number of condo units keeps popping up [Read More]

Is the World Really Safer Today Compared to the Old Days?

Civil unrest is inevitable, but several people claim that it’s grown too profound recently. Shootings of unarmed suspected criminals and their subsequent protests have gone haywire, and even a major social uprising (the 2011 Libyan Civil War comes to mind) are just some of these. It’s [Read More]

Microbeads Cause Equal Problems to Skin, Eye, and Dental Care

In its own right, the economy of microbeads products has been nothing short of a phenomenal success for over two decades now. However, says that the very same abrasive particles are what’s killing marine life and causes of potentially lethal health issues. Different Forms Mainly, microbeads [Read More]