For most patients, injection of anesthesia is the scariest part of a surgery or invasive procedure. Many fear the possible side effects of the anesthetic and its effectivity–thinking the drug may not be enough to remove all pain during the operation. Medical experts and some anesthesia management companies assure, however, that patients have nothing to fear. The science of anesthesia has improved in recent years, reducing the risks and side effects and increasing the options for a painless, anxiety-free surgery.
If you’ll be undergoing surgery or other medical procedure that requires the use of anesthetics, here’s what you need to do to prepare for it:
Don’t Panic
One of the top reasons many people fear anesthesia is death. According to experts, however, the chance of dying in a car crash is forty times greater than from an anesthetic. Anesthesia has become very safe because of more advanced techniques and better monitoring administered by certified anesthesiologists from anesthesia companies.
Don’t Cheat on Food and Drink Orders
Your doctor or anesthesiologist will provide you clear instructions about eating and drinking before and after your surgery. It’s important to follow these. As a general rule, you shouldn’t eat anything eight hours before your operation. If you vomit while under an anesthetic, the contents may get into your lungs, which can be dangerous.
Tell the Doctor about Your Medical History
Tell your doctor about any past surgeries and give information about the names and doses of all drugs you take. If you’ve experienced problems with anesthesia before, including nausea and sore throat, speak up. It’s also important to pass along any known family history of complications.
Ask Questions
Meet with your anesthesiologist and ask all questions before heading into the operating room. Learn about the anesthetic you will get. Depending on the types of surgery you’ll undergo, you may have a choice between regional or general anesthesia.
By preparing yourself and following the instructions of your doctor, you can ease your anxiety with anesthesia and help make your operation more successful.