Articles by Eleanor Sharp

Defending the Legitimacy of Asset Protection

On its face, asset protection planning sounds a lot like what billionaires in movies do to evade taxes, or the government. Unfortunately, many business owners have this same understanding when they sign up for the plan. Asset protection planning is a legal financial tool that [Read More]

Keep Out of Trouble With Your Pool

To build a pool in Perth WA or you already have a pool, you need a fence. There are very specific laws imposed by the state government on pool owners. This is to prevent very young children from drowning, which is the leading cause of [Read More]

Checklist for Bankruptcy Documents

Some business owners may worry about their business being under debt. This is easier to deal once you have decided on a course of action, like filing for bankruptcy. Before you can file for bankruptcy, however, your local bankruptcy lawyer, such as from Arkansas, [Read More]