March 2015

During and Before Marriage Inheritances

When you go through the process of divorce, you may question whether you or your spouse can claim rights to the inheritance funds that either of you have acquired during your marriage. Inheritance during Marriage In general, inheritances are not subject to equitable distribution, as [Read More]

Real Gains: How Extra Pounds Affect Your Health

Extra pounds do more than just add to your overall body weight. Other than affecting your image, excess weight also increases the risk for major health problems. If you are overweight or obese, you are more likely to encounter stroke, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and [Read More]

Basic Paralegal Certification Requirements

Lawyers are not the only people who can make a difference in the legal practice. Being a paralegal gives you a significant role, as well. With fewer years for training and education compared to law school, you can be a fundamental personality in the industry. [Read More]

Going Digital: Presenting Evidence to Court

Evidence is necessary to back up any claim, so legal professionals have to present proof to pursue any case further in court. It can be in different forms, such as documents, witness statements, sound and video recordings, and testimonies. It’s ideal to present the best [Read More]